新爹地语 New Daddish

新爹地语 New Daddish


Last Edited: 2024-08-09

欢迎 Welcome


Welcome to the tutorial of New Daddish, a constructed language created by me. From the following tutorial, you will acquire the basic knowledge of the grammar of New Daddish, and learn to speak it.

介绍 Introduction

新爹地语是地球0xffffffff的爹地共和国的官方语言。由语言学家Qiwen Xiao发明,新爹地语自诞生以来就在爹地共和国全国推广。在0x2024年,爹地共和国总统爹地二世宣布发布新爹地语,这是原始爹地语的一个更先进的版本。新版本已经更新了更多的词汇和语法规则,预计将在爹地共和国的公民中更受欢迎。

Daddish is the official language of Dad Republic, Earth 0xffffffff. Invented by a linguist, Qiwen Xiao , Daddish has been promoted nationwide in Dad Republic since its birth. In 0x2024, the president of Dad Republic, Daddy Jr., announced the release of New Daddish, which is a more advanced version of the original Daddish. The new version has been updated with more vocabulary and grammar rules, and it is expected to be more popular among the citizens of Dad Republic.

特色 Features


Comparing to other languages, New Daddish has the following features which make it unique:

  • 丰富的元音: 新爹地语依赖于不同的元音来构成单词,使其听起来更加悦耳动听。
  • Abundance of Vowels: New Daddish relies heavily on different vowels to form words, which makes it sound more melodic and harmonious.
  • 简单的语法: 新爹地语的语法相对简单,这使得初学者更容易学习。
  • Simple Grammar: The grammar of New Daddish is relatively simple, which makes it easier for beginners to learn.
  • 丰富的词汇: 新爹地语有超级特定的词汇来描述事物,可以用简洁的方式表达复杂的想法。
  • Rich Vocabulary: New Daddish has super specific vocabulary to describe things, which can express complex ideas in a concise way.

字母表 Alphabet


The alphabet of New Daddish consists of the following letters, which are case-insensitive. Some letters may consist of two or more characters, but each letter has its unique pronunciation:

字母 Letter 名称 Name 发音 Pronunciation 字母 Letter 名称 Name 发音 Pronunciation
A A /æ/ L LE /l/
E E /ɛ/ M ME /m/
I I /ɪ/ N NE /n/
O O /ɒ/ NG ENG /ŋ/
U U /ʌ/ GN GNE /ɲ/
Y Y /j/ P PE /p/
AA Kau-A /ɑ/ R RE /ɹ/
EE Kau-E /i/ RR RRE /ɾ/
II Kau-I /aɪ/ S SE /s/
OO Kau-O /oʊ/ T TE /t/
UU Kau-U /u/ V VE /v/
IY I-Y /ɨ/ W WE /w/
UJ UI /ɥ/ X XE /ʃ/
B BE /b/ XH XHE /tʃ/
C CE /k/ Z ZE /z/
D DE /d/ ZSH ZSHE /ɕ/
F FE /f/ ~ OYOY /ə/
G GE /g/ ^ KIKI /ʔ/
H HE /h/ # HAAXE /ʁ/
J JE /ʒ/ $ DOLAA /ð/
K KE /x/ % TEE /θ/

动词 Verbs


The verbs in New Daddish have the following forms。

词基 Base


The base is the most basic form of a word, which does not appear in a sentence.

词基 Base 含义 Meaning
O-UU-A 吃 Eat
AA-E-A 喝 Drink

不定式 Infinitive


The infinitive is the basic form of a verb, usually ending with EER.

不定式 Infinitive 含义 Meaning
OBUUAKEER 大口吞咽 Swallow

*: AAE应该被理解为AA-E而不是A-A-E,AAEAVEER的发音为/ɑːɛɑvɛːr/。

*: AAE should be understood as AA-E rather than A-A-E. The pronunciation of AAEAVEER is /ɑːɛɑvɛːr/.

现在式 Present Tense


The present tense indicates that the action is in progress, formed by removing EER from the infinitive and adding IT.

现在式 Present Tense 含义 Meaning
OBUUAKIT 正在大口吞咽 Swallowing
AAEAVIT 正在浅尝 Sipping

过去式 Past Tense


The past tense indicates that the action has been completed, formed by removing EER from the infinitive and adding IL.

过去式 Past Tense 含义 Meaning
OBUUAKIL 吞咽了 Swallowed
AAEAVIL 喝了 Drank

将来式 Future Tense


The future tense indicates that the action is about to happen, formed by removing EER from the infinitive and adding IK.

将来式 Future Tense 含义 Meaning
OBUUAKIK 将要吞咽 Will swallow
AAEAVIK 将要喝 Will drink

分词 Participle


The participle is derived from the infinitive and can be used as an adjective or adverb. According to the tense, the participle can be divided into past participle and present participle; according to the voice, the participle can be divided into active participle and passive participle. The past participle ends with OL, the present participle ends with OT, the active participle ends with ENG, and the passive participle ends with ED. When adding the suffix, look at the tense first, then the voice.

分词 Participle 含义 Meaning
OBUUAKOLENG 已经吞咽的 Having swallowed
OBUUAKOTENG 正在吞咽的 Swallowing
OBUUAKOLED 已经被吞咽的 Swallowed
OBUUAKOTED 正在被吞咽的 Being swallowed

名词 Nouns


The nouns in New Daddish are also derived from the base, without distinguishing between singular and plural.


For example, for the base O-UU-A, the following nouns can be derived:

名词 Noun 含义 Meaning
OUUA 食物 Food
OFUUA 人的食物 Food for human
OTUUA 人进食 Human eating
OGUUA 动物的食物 Food for animal
OLUUA 动物进食 Animal eating
OUUKA 固态食物 Solid food
OUUXA 液态食物 Liquid food
OUUSA 半固态食物 Semi-solid food
OUUVA 气态食物 Gaseous food
OFUUKA 人的固态食物 Solid food for human
OFUUXA 人的液态食物 Liquid food for human
OFUUSA 人的半固态食物 Semi-solid food for human
OFUUVA 人的气态食物 Gaseous food for human
OTUUKA 人进食固态食物 human eating solid food

形容词 Adjectives


Adjectives are words used to describe nouns, always ending with UU.


Here are some common adjectives:

形容词 Adjective 含义 Meaning
OUUAMOUU 食物美味的 Delicious
NAAOUUAMOUU 食物难吃的 Disgusting
OUUAUU 食物的 Relating to food
NAAOFUUVAMOUU 人的气态食物难吃的 Disgusting gaseous food for human

副词 Adverbs


Adverbs are words used to modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, always ending with OO.

句子的构成 Sentence Structure


The sentence structure of New Daddish is relatively simple. Here are some legal sentence structures:

  • 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 Subject + Verb + Object
  • 主语 + 谓语 Subject + Verb
  • 主语 + 谓语 + 补语 Subject + Verb + Complement
  • 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 + 宾语补语 Subject + Verb + Object + Object Complement

第一课:你好吗? Lesson 1: How are you?

对话 Dialogue





词汇 Vocabulary

单词或短语 Word or Phrase 词性 Part of Speech 含义 Meaning
ALISAA 名词 Noun (人名)艾丽莎 Alisaa
TEENAA 名词 Noun (人名)提娜 Teenaa
AAY 感叹词 Interjection 嗨 Hi
OHOVUU 形容词 Adjective 好的 Good
NGII 代词 Pronoun 我 I
NAA 代词 Pronoun 你 You
OTUUAEER 动词 Verb 人吃 (Human) eat
OTUUAIL 动词过去式 Past Tense Verb 人吃了 (Human) ate
MIKOO 副词 Adverb 也 Also

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